(A VERY BAD) Image rotation algorithm using libtiff

The following program rotates a tiff image. I pretty much made up the algorithm myself, and it relies on my rather dodgy trigonometry. There are almost certainly computationally less expensive ways of doing this.

Two methods are present, but the main function only uses (rotate_source). This iterates over pixels in the source image and places them in the correct location in the destination image. The alternative is to iterate over the destination image, this ensures there are no missing datapoints at the destination. However, this method is slower, and the result can look worse.

The disadvantage of the faster method is that there maybe gaps is the rotated image. To get round this I have a quick hack called “fill_gaps” which does some very lazy interpolation to fill in the gaps.

You can compile the code as:

g++ rotation.cpp -ltiff -o rotation

And then execute it as:

./rotation input.tif

The program will then write a series of files named imgN.tif where N is an integer. Each of these files will contain a rotated copy of the original image in 0.1 radian increments.

On a Mac you can use the following to get Preview to open all these files in one window, and display them in the correct order:

ls img*.tif | awk 'BEGIN{FS="g";}{print $0 " " $2}' |sort -n -k 2 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs open

#include “tiffio.h”

#include “stringify.h”

class BadConversion : public std::runtime_error {
BadConversion(const std::string& s)
: std::runtime_error(s) {}

inline std::string stringify(_type x)
std::ostringstream o;
if (!(o << std::fixed << x)) throw BadConversion("stringify()"); return o.str(); } #define TIFFSetR(pixel, x) ((unsigned char *)pixel)[0] = x #define TIFFSetG(pixel, x) ((unsigned char *)pixel)[1] = x #define TIFFSetB(pixel, x) ((unsigned char *)pixel)[2] = x #define TIFFSetA(pixel, x) ((unsigned char *)pixel)[3] = x using namespace std; void rotate_point(double x, double y, double o_x, double o_y, double radians, double &r_x, double &r_y) { //1. calculate theta //tan theta = opp (y) / adj (x) double dx = x - o_x; double dy = y - o_y; if(dx < 0) dx = 0-dx; if(dy < 0) dy = 0-dy; int q=1; if((x > o_x) && (y >= o_y)) q = 1;
if((x >= o_x) && (y < o_y)) q = 2; if((x < o_x) && (y <= o_y)) q = 3; if((x <= o_x) && (y > o_y)) q = 4;
double theta;
if(q == 1) theta = atan(dy/dx);
if(q == 2) theta = atan(dx/dy);
if(q == 3) theta = atan(dy/dx);
if(q == 4) theta = atan(dx/dy);

double h = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

if((dy==0) || (dx==0)) theta = 0;

theta -= radians;

for(;theta < 0;) { theta = 0 - theta; theta = ((2*3.14)/4) - theta; q++; if(q==5) q=1;} for(;theta > ((2*3.14)/4);) {theta -= ((2*3.14)/4); q–; if(q==0) q=4; }

if(q == 1) { r_y = (sin(theta) * h); r_x = (cos(theta) * h); }
if(q == 2) { r_x = (sin(theta) * h); r_y = (cos(theta) * h); }
if(q == 3) { r_y = (sin(theta) * h); r_x = (cos(theta) * h); }
if(q == 4) { r_x = (sin(theta) * h); r_y = (cos(theta) * h); }

if(q == 1) {r_x = o_x + r_x; r_y = o_y + r_y;}
if(q == 2) {r_x = o_x + r_x; r_y = o_y – r_y;}
if(q == 3) {r_x = o_x – r_x; r_y = o_y – r_y;}
if(q == 4) {r_x = o_x – r_x; r_y = o_y + r_y;}


class Image {


Image() {

void load_tiff(string input_filename) {


TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen(input_filename.c_str(), “r”);
if (tif) {
uint32 w, h;
size_t npixels;
uint32* raster;

npixels = w * h;
m_width = w;
m_height = h;

raster = (uint32*) _TIFFmalloc(npixels * sizeof (uint32));
if (raster != NULL) {
if (TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented(tif, w, h, raster,ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT, 0)) {
for(size_t n=0;n(m_width*m_height,0);

Image rotate(size_t o_x,size_t o_y,double radians,uint32_t bg_val) {
return rotate_source(o_x,o_y,radians,bg_val);

Image rotate_source(size_t o_x,size_t o_y,double radians,uint32_t bg_val) {

Image new_image; // image to copy data in to

size_t pad;
if(m_width > m_height) pad = m_width;
else pad = m_height;
new_image.m_width = pad*4;
new_image.m_height = pad*4;

for(uint32_t cx=0;cx adjs;

int perform_set=0;
for(size_t n=0;n m_height) pad = m_width;
else pad = m_height;
new_image.m_width = pad*4;
new_image.m_height = pad*4;

for(int32_t cx=0-pad;cx m_image_data;
size_t m_width;
size_t m_height;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

Image i;

int n=0;
for(double r=0;r<(2*3.141);r+=0.1) { //Image i2 = i.rotate(i.m_width/2,i.m_height/2,1.78525,0); Image i2 = i.rotate(i.m_width/2,i.m_height/2,r,0); //Image i2 = i.rotate(0,0,r,0); for(int x=0;x<10;x++) { for(int y=0;y<10;y++) { i2.set(x,y,0xFFFFFFFF); } } i2.fill_gaps(0); i2.save_tiff_rgb(string("img") + stringify(n) + string(".tif")); n++; } } [/sourcecode]