ILX511 Interface PCB for ICE40HX8K

Based on my previous experiments with the ICE40HX8K/AD9552/ILX511 Linearpcb, I’ve put together the above PCB. It’s not perfect, but it should aid further experimentation… Kicad files and gerbers below:
My contribution to the increasing entropy, and eventual heat death of the universe
Based on my previous experiments with the ICE40HX8K/AD9552/ILX511 Linearpcb, I’ve put together the above PCB. It’s not perfect, but it should aid further experimentation… Kicad files and gerbers below:
My name is Nava Whiteford. I’ve worked for a few sequencing companies. I have equity in a few sequencing companies based on my previous employment (I try to be unbiased in my posts). You can contact me at: [email protected]