Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category.

Keyence VE7800 Operating Procedure

  1. Turn on the keyence ve7800, the chamber should be closed, and have partial vacuum from the last time it was operated.
  2. Turn on PC.
  3. Wait to vacuum light on the VE7800 to stop flashing. The vacuum light should be solid blue. This will take approximately 5 minutes.
  4. Press and hold the “Vacuum on/off” button for 2 seconds.
  5. Wait ~45 seconds while the vacuum bleeds. During this process the air light should be illuminated.
  6. Open the chamber using the handle DO NOT USE ANY OTHER FIXTURES
  7. Remove the specimen table (it is not fixed in place and can easy be removed)
  8. Remove the stub (aluminum disc) the thumb screws should only be hand tight.


  9. Replace the carbon tape if required (a roll should be in the SEM consumables box by the SEM).

  10. Firmly attach the sample to the aluminum stub. Ideally the conductive layer of the sample should make contact with the carbon tape.
  11. Place the aluminum stub in the sample table. Make should the top of the stub is level with the top of the table and use the thumb screws to screw the stub in place.


  12. Place the sample table in the device.
  13. Close the chamber use the handle, do not use other fixtures
  14. Press and hold the “Vacuum on/off” button for 2 seconds.
  15. Start the ve-7800 software (the icon is on the desktop)
  16. Select manual mode in the software (other modes require more Japanese language skills).
  17. Wait for the blue vacuum light on the ve7800 to stop flashing.
  18. Click the “Beam on/off” toggle button in the application software
  19. beamon

  20. Select 50x magnification
  21. Press the “full auto” button.

  22. The following dialog will appear, wait for the parameter optimization process to complete. Full auto will attempt to algorithmically determine the optimal voltage,focus and contrast for the sample.
  23. Use the X and Y dial on the interface pad to move to a region of interest.

  24. When moving though the image, press “full auto” when the image quality appears poor.
  25. To increase magnification, either use the pulldown menu, or the dial on the rotary pad shown below.
  26. During observation you may wish to rotate or tilt the sample. These operations can be performed directly using the knobs on the SEM.rotate_knob
  27. See further instructions below or acquiring and saving a high resolution image

Shutdown procedure

  1. Click the top left button to turn off the beam. The imaging area will go dark and display the message shown below.
  2. Press “vacuum on/off” on the ve7800 for approximately 2 seconds.
  3. Press and hold the “Vacuum on/off” button for 2 seconds.
  4. Wait 45 seconds for the vacuum to bleed.
  5. Open the sample chamber. only use the handle not the fixtures of knobs to open the chamber
  6. Remove the sample
  7. Close the chamber
  8. Press “vacuum on/off” for approximately 2 seconds. The vacuum light should start of blink. Wait until the vacuum light stops flashing and is illuminated solid blue.
  9. Turn off the ve7800.

  10. Shutdown the software and turn off the PC

Saving an image

  1. One you have located a region where you like to acquire a high resolution image click the “take picture” button.take_pic
  2. You’ll need to wait approximately 1 minute for acquisition. The image will slowly appear on the screen during acquisition. Try not to knock the SEM, as vibration will cause more issues at this point.
  3. Select the album tab
  4. Select the image you just acquire and right click “copy” (コピー).
  5. Right click on the desktop or a USB drive and click “paste”:
  6. Click the manual tab to return to the main view:

esp8266 and kr580vm80a image maps


I’ve been playing around with LeafletJS and decided to create slippy map versions of a couple of the Zeptobar IC image sets. They’re available here:



Creating LeafletJS tile sets in golang


I wanted to create some slippy map style imageviewers using LeafletJS from large flat images files. In order to do this you need to break the image down into tiles of 256×256 pixels and various zoom levels. There are plenty of tools to do this, but none that looked like they quite fit my application. In anycase I figured it would be an interesting golang learning exercise. The code is available on github here. But it’s fairly simple and the sourcecode the shown below. It can be ran as:

split filename.png

And will spit out a directory called “tiles” which contains the tileset. The html file in the above github repository shows how LeafletJS might be used to view this tileset.

package main

import (

func init() {
  // damn important or else At(), Bounds() functions will
  // caused memory pointer error!!
  image.RegisterFormat("jpeg", "jpeg", jpeg.Decode, jpeg.DecodeConfig)
  image.RegisterFormat("png", "png", png.Decode, png.DecodeConfig)

func make_image_tiles(basepath string,scale int,tile_size int,rescale_size int,rgbimage *image.RGBA) {
  bounds   := rgbimage.Bounds()

  path := basepath + "/" + strconv.Itoa(scale)

  for cx := bounds.Min.X;cx < bounds.Max.X;cx += tile_size {

  os.Mkdir(path + "/" + strconv.Itoa(cx/tile_size),777);

   for cy := bounds.Min.Y;cy < bounds.Max.Y;cy += tile_size {
     // Grab tile from image
     fmt.Printf("Get tile %v %v %v %v\n",cx,cy,cx+tile_size,cy+tile_size)
     subimage := rgbimage.SubImage(image.Rectangle{image.Point{cx,cy},image.Point{cx+tile_size,cy+tile_size}})

     subbounds := subimage.Bounds()
     fmt.Println("subb: ", subbounds)
     x_delta := (subbounds.Max.X-subbounds.Min.X)
     y_delta := (subbounds.Max.Y-subbounds.Min.Y)
     fmt.Println("delta: ", x_delta," ",y_delta)
     if (x_delta < tile_size) ||
        (y_delta < tile_size) {

       newsubimage := image.NewRGBA(image.Rectangle{image.Point{0,0},image.Point{tile_size,tile_size}})
       subimage = newsubimage

     fmt.Println("subdixed: ", subimage.Bounds())

     if tile_size != rescale_size {
      subimage = resize.Resize(uint(rescale_size),uint(rescale_size), subimage, resize.Lanczos3)

     // Write the file to disk
     subfile, _ := os.Create(path + "/" + strconv.Itoa(cx/tile_size) + "/" + strconv.Itoa(cy/tile_size) + ".png")
     png.Encode(subfile, subimage) 

func main() {
  imgfile, err := os.Open(os.Args[1])

  tile_size := 256
  rescale_size := tile_size

  if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("file not found!")

  defer imgfile.Close()

  img, _, _ := image.Decode(imgfile)

  rgbimage := img.(*image.RGBA)
  bounds   := rgbimage.Bounds()

  width  := bounds.Max.X - bounds.Min.X
  height := bounds.Max.Y - bounds.Max.Y

  // there's no int math.Max in golang
  mdim := math.Max(float64(width),float64(height))

  scale_max_f := math.Log2(mdim/float64(tile_size))+1
  scale_max   := int(scale_max_f)


  c_tile_size := tile_size
  for scale := scale_max; scale >= 1; scale-- {
    fmt.Printf("tile size: %v\n",c_tile_size)
    c_tile_size = c_tile_size*2


Fractal Slippy Map in golang and LeafletJS


Recently I’ve been playing with golang and LeafletJS. As a small project I decided to knock together a fractal slippy map with a golang based map server which dynamically creates the fractal tile images. The whole thing can be reverse proxied via nginx to take the load off the server. The projects totals less than 200 lines of golang as JS and these are my design notes. You can see the final project here and grab the code on github here.


The HTML is extremely simple, the map is a single div:

<div id="map" style="width: 100px; height: 100px; display: inline-block;"></div>

Which is then populated by LeafletJS as follows:

<script src="leaflet.js"></script>
  document.getElementById('map').style.width  = window.innerWidth-321 + "px";
  document.getElementById('map').style.height = window.innerHeight-20 + "px";
  var map ='map').setView([-10, -360], 2);

  L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
    maxZoom: 18,
    attribution: '',
    id: 'example'

The first couple of lines ensure that the map is sized to fill the whole window. The rest just initialises LeafletJS and tells it where to fetch map files from. Map tiles are just simple 256×256 png images.

The golang server

Both the static html and the dynamically generated tiles are served via golang. Here’s the main function that initializes everything:

func main() {
  http.HandleFunc("/map/", handler)
  http.Handle("/", httpgzip.NewHandler(http.FileServer(http.Dir("."))))
  http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

I’m using the httpgzip package which allows golang to server serve gzip compressed content. This wraps the standard golang file server on line 3 above. A hander is registered on /map/ and this is where the png tile images are generated.

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

  // URLs here look like http://localhost:8080/map/13/4100/2724.png
  //                                               z  x    y

  tile_size   := 256
  tile_size_f := float64(256)

  // splits out the URL to get the x,y,z coordinates
  spliturl := strings.Split(r.URL.Path, "/")
  tile_zi, _ := strconv.Atoi(spliturl[2])
  tile_z := float64(tile_zi)
  tile_xi, _ := strconv.Atoi(spliturl[3])
  tile_x := float64(tile_xi)-1
  tile_yi, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(spliturl[4],".")[0])
  tile_y := float64(tile_yi)-1
  fmt.Printf("Input: %f %f %f\n", tile_z,tile_x,tile_y)


  myimage := image.NewRGBA(image.Rectangle{image.Point{0,0},image.Point{tile_size,tile_size}})

  // This loop just fills the image tile with fractal data
  for cx := 0; cx < tile_size; cx++ {
    for cy := 0; cy < tile_size; cy++ {

      cx_f := float64(cx)
      cy_f := float64(cy)

      i := complex128(complex(0,1))

      zoom := float64(math.Pow(2,float64(tile_z-2)))

      tile_range   := 1/zoom
      tile_start_x := 1/zoom + (tile_range*tile_x)
      tile_start_y := 1/zoom + (tile_range*tile_y)

      x := -2 + tile_start_x + (cx_f/tile_size_f)*tile_range
      y := -2 + tile_start_y + (cy_f/tile_size_f)*tile_range

      // x and y are now in the range ~-2 -> +2

      z := complex128(complex(x,0)) + complex128(complex(y,0))*complex128(i)

      c := complex(0.274,0.008)
      for n := 0; n < 100; n++ {
        z = z*z + complex128(c)

      z = z *10
      ratio := float64(2 * (real(z)/2))
      r     := math.Max(0, float64(255*(ratio - 1)))
      b     := math.Max(0, float64(255*(1 - ratio)))
      g     := float64(255 - b - r)
      col := color.RGBA{uint8(r),uint8(g),uint8(b),255}

  png.Encode(w, myimage)

The bulk of the code is related to the Julia set generation. PNGs are relatively easy to generate and serve in golang, and I previously wrote up my notes on doing that here. The code that splits out the URL is also a mess, I guess something like sscanf would have made a better job of this? However I’m not sure what the canonical way of doing this in golang is.