Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category.

Atari Punk Console rev3


UPDATE: You can now buy this on my shop.

I’ve sent a 3rd revision of the Atari Punk Console design out to fab, as shown above. The new version incorporates a bunch of changes based on my experience with my first soldering workshop, including making the pads a bit bigger, increasing text size, removing redundant designators etc. Here’s the video on the workshop experiences, the Kicad files and Gerbers are linked below.


Arduino 8 Channel ADC Board r3


As discussed in the video from yesterday, this version of the LTC1859 board splits out digital and analogue ground planes. Gerbers and Kicad files below:


Veeco Nanoscope V Multimode AFM First Imaging Tests


Today I decided to get the AFM I have here up and running. I’ve not had any formal training on an AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) so I’m feeling my way as I go. As a first test I wanted to try something with quite large feature sizes, I had no calibration standard so acquired some used wafers (in this case a late 90s FPGA (ProASIC)) with relatively large features as an initial test.

The image above shows some of the features I assume on the upper metal layer of the FPGA. The feature size seems to be around 200 to 700nm which seems about right for 90s tech. Cantilever installation, laser alignment and the imaging process is non-trivial. The videos below document the process I used to get these images:

These two images were taken in “height” mode. They didn’t come out very well to my mind. It seems that switching the imaged value to “amplitude” (amplitude of what if not effective height I don’t know) seemed to produce much better images like that shown above.



Here are some more amplitude images…




Axopatch 200A with micropipette first tests

The video above shows my test tentative experiments using the Axopatch 200A and a micropipette pulled using the Sutter P-97 as I described yesterday.

I used KCL diluted to ~100mM and sucked the solution into the pipette using a syringe. I didn’t have the correct tubing and pulled the sheath off a piece of silicon sheathed wire. It seemed to work ok. Drawing fluid into the pipette wasn’t easy I think I either have the wrong clamp for the pipette or perhaps it needs some PTFE tape to seal it.

Anyway, it appeared to more or less work and I could vary the current through the solution by changing the bias voltage. This is all I wanted for a first test and I now have a short list of bits and pieces I’d need to acquire to go further.