Posts tagged ‘security’

SecurityTube, Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer notes: part 9 (Hotspot attack basics)

Vivek’s video is here.

Vivek shows you how to setup a fake software access point and force existing clients to connect to it in preference to the original access point. From this point a number of attacks could be launched, including man-in-the-middle attacks. These attacks are not discussed in detail here.

Wireless hotspots are usually Open Auth, sometimes have MAC filtering, no encryption (can’t really work here). May have application layer authentication (login portal).


* Create an “evil twin”:
* Same ESSID
* Same BSSID (optional)

* Use de-auth to break client connections

* If our “evil” network has higher strength, then client will connect to it preferentially.

* Further attack options then exist. (metasploit the client, man in the middle)

0. Locate your target network with airodump. (For the lab setup an AP with no encryption, in the examples it’s called SecurityTube)

1. Use airbase-ng to create an access point.

iwconfig wlan0 channel NN # can be any channel
airbase-ng -a AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA -e SecurityTube mon0

This access point has 2 interfaces. One is mon0, the wireless interface.
airbase-ng creates a virtual network device called at0. This is the wired side of access point.

2. Bring up the virtual interface

ifconfig at0 up

That was just to test things out, kill airbase-ng.

3. Connect a client to the real access point.

4. Deauth all clients

iwconfig channel NN # same channel as REAL AP.
aireplay-ng --deauth 0 -a BSSID_OF_REAL_AP mon0 # BSSID found in airodump

Leave this running in the background.

5. Bring up airbase-ng again. In this case, we’re running airbase on the same channel (so we can send deauths in the background).

airbase-ng -a AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA -e SecurityTube mon0 # BSSID can be anything.

6. Try and connect your client again. Your client should connect to your soft access point.

7. Capture some data with wireshark on at0.

ifconfig at0 up #bring up at0

After a while, the client will give up trying to obtain a DHCP address.
It will assign itself an autoconfig address. You’ll see this in wireshark.
Source address will be listed as 169.x.x.x, in Vivek’s case he saw IGMP packets.

8. Assign at0 an address in this range and attempt to ping the client:

ifconfig at0 169.254.174.XX netmask up #where 169.254.174.XX is an address in the same range as the client.
ping <address found in wireshark>

You can now access the client at the IP level.

SecurityTube, Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer notes: part 8 (Hacking Authentication, WEP is broken)

Vivek’s video is here.

This lesson gives you a taste of how broken WEP is. The encryption method sucks.
We’ll break the authentication process, this doesn’t give you access to the network, but it’s the first step. The conclusions will also show that this technique allows you to inject packets of 128 bytes and decrypt the first 128 bytes of any packet. This is all without any brute forcing, the protocol is just broken.

Authentication types

* Open Authentication
* Shared Authentication

* Open Auth:
* no actual authentication, just exchange 2 packets.
* edge cases where it can fail (e.g. MAC filtering)

* Shared Authentication
* WEP encryption
* WEP requires 2 things: “IV” (initialisation vector) and “encryption key”
* Uses RC4 encryption algorithm.
* Encrypted stream is XOR’d with cleartext to encrypt.

* Challenge is 128 byte plaintext (random, created by AP)
* Client encrypts it, with random IV.
* Access point checks this against it’s own encryption.

0. Setup an access point and client using WEP encryption, shared authentication.

1. Find the channel of the AP using airodump as before:

airodump-ng mon0 # make a note of the channel and BSSID of the target network

2. Use airodump to capture packets on this channel:

airodump-ng --channel NN mon0 --bssid APBSSID --write demo

3. Connect a client
3.1 Notice that the AUTH column changes and now says “SKA”.

4. Quit airodump. Run wireshark on the capture file:

wireshark demo-01.cap

4.1 Add a filter to show packets to/from our AP and to show auth packets only. You can add auth packets by right clicking and selecting “apply as filter”->”and selected”. You filter should look something like this:

(wlan.addr == APMACADDR) && (wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x0b)

4.2 You should be able to see 4 packets:
* Check the “Auth SEQ”s you should see packets with SEQ numbers 1,2 and 4 (SEQ3 only shows data).
* SEQ1: The authentication request
* SEQ2: The authentication challenge, containing the challenge text (to be encrypted)
* SEQ3: Encrypted challenge text, with a random IV of the clients choice.
* SEQ4: AP, decrypts the packet. Checks everything is ok and sends success code.

5. Attacker can probe the exchange (like we just did).
5.1 We have the cleartext and the encrypted text.
5.2 Because the encrypted text = cleartext XOR keystream we can extract the keystream easily.
keystream = cleartext XOR encrypted text.
5.3 Uses the IV and the keystream we can authenticate!

5.4 airodump will do it for you. When you made the dump above it should have created a file called demoXXX.xor
5.4.1 It looks like this doesn’t always work, apparently due to broken Access point implementations… (see here)

6. Use aireplay to auth:

aireplay-ng --fakeauth 10 mon0 -e SecurityTube -y demoXXX.xor

6.1 You should see that the authenication is successful.

5. Attacker can probe the exchange (like we just did).
5.1 We have the cleartext and the encrypted text.
5.2 Because the encrypted text = cleartext XOR keystream we can extract the keystream easily.
keystream = cleartext XOR encrypted text.
5.3 Uses the IV and the keystream we can authenticate!

5.4 airodump will do it for you. When you made the dump above it should have created a file called demoXXX.xor
5.4.1 It looks like this doesn’t always work, apparently due to broken Access point implementations…

6. Use aireplay to auth:

aireplay-ng --fakeauth 10 mon0 -e SecurityTube -y demoXXX.xor

6.1 You should see that the authenication is successful.
6.2 Capture the fakeauthentication process with airodump and take a look at it in wireshark.

7. We’ve broken the authenication, so now what?
7.1 We can encrypt small packets and inject them (128bytes)
7.2 IV and keystream can be harvested from packet capture, and we can decrypt first 128 of all packets.

Conclusion: Shared key authentication is broken!

SecurityTube, Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer notes: part 7 (MAC Filtering)

The SecurityTube video is here.

MAC filtering comes from wired networking. MAC addresses can be spoofed easily. We can sniff packets and find mac addresses. This way we can easily get a valid MAC, spoof it and get access to the network.

0. Turn on MAC filtering on your AP and allow a client (e.g. your iPhone)

1. Perform a capture with wireshark as before.
1.1 Add a filter on the AP address it should look like this: “wlan.addr == APMACADDRESS”
1.2 Add a filter to remove beacon frame (right click type/subtype on a beacon frame, and apply as “and not” filter.

2. Attempt to connect using aireplay:

aireplay-ng --fakeauth 10 -e ESSIDNAME (e.g. SecurityTube) mon0

2.1 Run wireshark while doing the above.
2.2 Check that you can see “Unspecified failure (0x0001)”.

3. Fire up aerodump again, montioring the channel that your AP is on:

aerodump-ng mon0 --channel XX

You should see your AP listed in the first list. Note it’s BSSID here. Then look down the second list, which shows station, you should see the same BSSID. Next to this BSSID will be a station MAC address. Make a note of this MAC address, it’s the client connected to the AP.

4. Try to authenticate using that MAC address:

aireplay-ng --fakeauth 10 -e ESSIDNAME mon0 -h MACADDRESSFROM3

Fire up wireshark while you’re doing this, check that you can see “Successful (0x0000)”.

MAC address filtering is useless!

SecurityTube, Wireless Lan Security Megaprimer notes: part 6 (Finding hidden SSIDs)

The video is here.

Hidden SSID means, to turn off SSID broadcasting in the beacon frames.

* Beacon frames have NULL in SSID (tag length is 0)

* A security though obscurity technique.

Set your AP not to broadcast it’s SSD, check that the SSID length is 0 in wireshark.

While the beacon frame does not contain the SSID, Probe and association request packets do!

Passive solution: Monitor for connections extract SSID from Probe/association request packets.

Passive Method

aerodump-ng mon0 # Find the access point with ESSID <length: 0>
iwconfig wlan0 channel XX #set the channel of the access point above
wireshark # start a capture as usual, run it in the background
aerodump-ng mon0 --channel <CHANNEL> # fire up aerodump on the channel found above

Now connect a client, aerodump will automatically figure out the network name and show it.

Also take a look at the wireshark dump and see if you can find the SSID.

Active Method

Force the network to send Probe/Association packets. We’re going to force de-authanticate one or all clients.
They will reconnect and then we can grab the SSID.

To send deauthentication packets:

aireplay-ng --deauth 0 -a HIDDENAPMAC mon0

While your running the above command, have aerodump-ng running in another window, you should see the SSID appear here.