Random Notes 5

Xaar 128





chinese inkjet info: http://m.6lon.com/sdm/132165/2/cp-1003311/0.html

RNA Bioanalyzer

PaperQuantification pg/ul RNARunPlots
Urine RNA Processing in a Clinical Setting: Comparison of Three Protocols397.5 ng/60 mL (Qubit RNA HS)Agilent 4200 TapeStationRIN: 5.9An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is nihms918280f3b.jpg
Urine RNA Processing in a Clinical Setting: Comparison of Three Protocols397.5 ng/60 mL(Qubit RNA HS)Agilent 4200 TapeStationRIN: 3.3An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is nihms918280f3a.jpg
Deep Sequencing of Urinary RNAs for Bladder Cancer Molecular Diagnostics0.98 ng/mL0.08 ng/mLProcessed within two hours of collectionAgilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, RNA Pico chipsRIN ranged from 2.5 to 9.5Mean: 6.03No plots
Identification of microRNAs in blood and urine as tumour markers for the detection of urinary bladder cancer~2 ng/uL (fig. 1)Several urine RNA isolates showed low RIN values <3No plots
Urinary MicroRNA-Based Diagnostic Model for Central Nervous System Tumors Using Nanowire ScaffoldsQubit microRNA AssayAgilent 2100 BioanalyzerRIN: 81638356162683-129.png

RNA Papers

SingleMol Imaging

Solid state Nanopore

Hitachi, making pores with dialectric breakdown, slowing, notes on viscosity to slow etc: https://www.nature.com/articles/srep31324.pdf

Keio University group, optical observation of translocation: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.7567/APEX.9.017001/pdf


ASIC Design, to go to 1MHz: https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.1932

Noise measurements from above:

Instrumentation for Low-Noise High-Bandwidth Nanopore Recording. Engineered Nanopores for Bioanalytical Applications: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9781437734737000030

Above has lots of nice protocol information.

Ionic Speed/Current

“If we recall that an Ampere corresponds to a charge flow of 1 Coulomb each second and further, use the fact that the charge on a monovalent ion is approximately 1.6 x 10-19 Coulombs (that is 1 electron or 1 proton charge), then we see that a current of about one pA corresponds to roughly 107 ions passing through the channel each second. This value is in agreement with measurements” http://book.bionumbers.org/how-many-ions-pass-through-an-ion-channel-per-second/

Molecular Dynamics of Ionic Current: https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/silica/IonRect.html

DNA Speed:
From, measures time to translocate two adjacent pores. distance is ~1.5um: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/nl2030079

Folded/Knotted DNA:

Detection of knotted DNA





Double stranded Lambda DNA (16um long, 48kb). Translocates in 3 different confirmations. Grabbed at the end. Grabbed in the middle (completely folded), Grabbed near an edge (partly folded). Difference in current levels is ~1nS between each confirmation (200pA). 22nm pore is used. Translocation time ~3ms.


Hairpins, P2000 pulled quartz nano-pipette. Using hairpins to encode DNA 8bp and 16bp hairpins.

DNA Folds for data storage by Ulrich: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30585490

Unknown rotary valve (from Affy fluidics)

BW Spectrometer Notes

  • Meanwell PS45-5 40Watt 5V 8Amp open frame power supply
  • Astrodyne OFM-0201 5V 4.4 Amp power supply
  • Spectrometer control board
  • B&W Tech fiber optic input spectrometer without TE cooling. Internal baffles will have to be removed to get the full spectrometer range, serial port output.
  • OD6025-05HB 5V ball bearing fan.
  • Keyswitch (key not included)
  • Optical beamsplitter with assembly with lenses, beam splitter, fiber couplings






useful spectra: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Deglr6328

Peak numberWavelength of peak (nm)Species producing peakActual line location (nm)
3487.7terbium from Tb3+~485 to 490
4542.4terbium from Tb3+~543 to 544
6577.7likely terbium from Tb3+ or mercury576.960 for Hg or ~578 for Tb
7580.2mercury or terbium from Tb3+579.066 for Hg or ~580 for Tb
8584.0possibly terbium from Tb3+ or europium in Eu+3:Y2O3~580
9587.6likely europium in Eu+3:Y2O3~587
10593.4likely europium in Eu+3:Y2O3~593
11599.7likely europium in Eu+3:Y2O3~598
12611.6europium in Eu+3:Y2O3~611
13625.7likely terbium from Tb3+~625
14631.1likely europium in Eu+3:Y2O3~630
15650.8likely europium in Eu+3:Y2O3~650
16662.6likely europium in Eu+3:Y2O3~661
17687.7likely europium in Eu+3:Y2O3~687-688
18693.7likely europium in Eu+3:Y2O3~693
19707 and 709likely europium in Eu+3:Y2O3~707 and ~709
20712.3likely europium in Eu+3:Y2O3~712
21760.0likely argon758.9315 or 763.5106 (??)
22811.0likely argon811.531

General spectrometer info

Astro: http://www.threehillsobservatory.co.uk/astro/spectroscopy.htm

Hg Lines: http://www.astrosurf.com/buil/us/spe2/hresol4.htm

Hg Lines:

Wavelength (nm)Name (see photoresist)Color
184.45 ultraviolet (UVC)
253.7 ultraviolet (UVC)
365.4I-lineultraviolet (UVA)
546.1 green
578.2 yellow-orange

  • he Biophotonic Scanner is the world’s first measurement device to determine Carotenoid Value in the Skin (SCS) – an instant recording of carotenoid antioxidant activity in your body. By simply placing your hand in front of a faint blue light, you can get your Carotenoid Value in your skin within minutes. The Pharmanex® Biophotonic Scanner Technology is based on an optical method known as Raman Resonance Spectroscopy. This technology has been awarded the Nobel Prize and is used for biological measurements, as well as scientific discipline supported by years of research. Thanks to Pharmanex, technology is now available to everyone. The scanner uses optical signals to measure carotenoid levels in human tissue just below the skin’s surface. These signals identify the specific molecular structure of carotenoids. Pharmanex® is the exclusive holder of the patented Biophotonic Scanner technology. The scanner was developed by physicians and physicists at the top university in the United States
  • Nava Whiteford, 2018/04/28 09:10http://www.thepulsar.be/article/science-surplus-spectrophotometer-review/
  • ava Whiteford, 2018/04/28 13:38http://designengineusa.com/pharmanex/
  • Nava Whiteford, 2018/04/28 15:52http://mmrc.caltech.edu/BWTec%20Examplar/Examplar.html

Random Notes 4



Seperating: https://www.norlandprod.com/techrpts/separating.html

“The simplest method for separating a lens bonded with Norland Optical Adhesive is to immerse the lens in a solvent combination made up of the following: methylene chloride, 100 parts by weight -methanol, 15 parts – concentrated ammonia (26 Baumé or 29% NH ), 2 parts. The methylene chloride is the active solvent and the other solvents increase its activity.The simplest method for separating a lens bonded with Norland Optical Adhesive is to immerse the lens in a solvent combination made up of the following: methylene chloride, 100 parts by weight -methanol, 15 parts – concentrated ammonia (26 Baumé or 29% NH ), 2 parts. The methylene chloride is the active solvent and the other solvents increase its activity.”


SMC Valves