Chuo Seiki MMU-60X-H1 XY Stage
I picked up this Chuo Seiki XY stage a while ago. It has 25mm travel and 2 micron resolution! It also uses Vexta 5-phase steppers (I believe PH533-NB-C30s). However it didn’t come with any drivers. I’ve never driven a 5-phase stepper before but I’ve ordered the Oriental Motor drivers, and will probably try and make my own at some point. It uses Hirose HR10 series connectors (HR10A-10P-12S(73)s). Which I’ll also need to buy.
It should be an interesting project in any case, and I hope to use it to automate my optical microscope stage.
I’ve also got another Chuo Seiki XYZ stage on it’s which reportedly has 1 micron resolution, hopefully I’ll be able to report back on both of them when I get to the UK.